Time is short: Benchmark your 2024 communications now
Ragan’s 2024 Communications Benchmark Survey will show how your communications outcomes compare to those of your peers.

Sometimes it can feel like you’re working in a vacuum, unsure of how your peers are handling the same communications challenges you’re working through.
Now, Ragan’s 6th annual Communications Benchmark Survey offers you the chance chance to gain unique insight into the industry at large – and how your communications department compares.
Please take 10 minutes to complete the 2024 Communications Benchmark Survey from Ragan’s Communications Leadership Council. Your responses will help inform the state of communications and identify needs, challenges and progress among communicators like you.
Your answers are strictly confidential, and the results will be aggregated and anonymized.
In return for your participation, you will receive an executive briefing of the survey findings — full of timely, proprietary insights that will inform your decisions and help you navigate what’s ahead in 2024.
Thanks for contributing! Please respond before the survey closes on January 5, 2024. .