PR pros must prepare for the rise of AI journalism
It’s going to create serious challenges for PR pros.
It’s going to create serious challenges for PR pros.
Remember: it’s always a negotiation.
Data from Pew Research reveals that this growing bloc of Americans is far from a monolith.
Muck Rack’s State of Journalism 2024 reveals how often journalist respond to pitches — and the No. 1 reason yours isn’t getting attention.
There is a glimmer of good news on the media landscape, even as layoffs and an election loom.
How to respond when individual workers begin to become the story in the wake of layoffs.
It feels scary, but the media can be an ally.
Experts can change the game.
The odds are not in your favor.
There doesn’t have to be such tension between the two sides.
Be relevant. Be knowledgeable. Be concise. Be actionable.
Friday news dumps can work. Here’s why this one didn’t.
Digital sources continue to grow while everything else shrinks – but there are still some surprises.
Data can tell powerful stories — if you shape it properly.
How to serve this subset of reporters.