Comments on: Building stronger ties between comms and marketing PR Daily - News for PR professionals Fri, 21 Apr 2023 15:06:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ronald N Levy Fri, 21 Apr 2023 15:06:39 +0000 A BIG thing communications can do for marketing and all companies is to show the public “it’s your money” when punishments for marketing or lawsuits against companies cause reductions in corporate profits.

Since 21% of corporate profits go for federal income taxes, it’s partly your money when corporate income is reduced. Billions and billions go for state and local taxes so it’s more of your money when corporate earnings are reduced.

Companies with diminished income tend to pay less for employment and donations to good causes. Your money. It goes on and on.

When government causes marketing costs to go up, you may feel you shouldn’t have to pay but fines and settlements are partly your money, some would say too much. Communications can help make this clear to the public so if your communications do this, that can be good for your money and your career.

It may also be good for Sean Devlin because inflation may be making his pints, like our food and housing costs, increasingly expensive.
