Comments on: 5 predictions for marketing tech in the year ahead PR Daily - News for PR professionals Thu, 05 Jan 2023 18:17:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ronald N Levy Sat, 24 Dec 2022 22:26:33 +0000 What you may have gotten for your money is screwed.

It depends on what you wanted, what you SAID you wanted, and what you approved as a way to get it.

Consumers have a right to want what they want, so do government leaders and so do you. But the wanters who become getters are those who use their heads as well as their hearts. Success comes partly from those who pay and who should be just as cautious as the rest of us with what they pay for before asking what they got.

PR Daily and other educators give marvelous courses on how to set and
attain PR objectives but the only ones to benefit from the courses are those who take the courses, learn what’s new and working, then use the news.

By: Ronald N Levy Sat, 24 Dec 2022 21:59:51 +0000 “What did we get for the money we spent on PR?”

That’s what clients want to know. Those who give the best answers will deservedly make the most money and receive the best job offers.

What DID we get and even more important what WILL we get if we buy what you are proposing? And how do you know?

The great PR firms have answers to these questions and so do many firms that are going to be great.
