Comments on: How pharma companies are navigating PR around controversial abortion ruling PR Daily - News for PR professionals Tue, 18 Apr 2023 13:26:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ronald N Levy Tue, 18 Apr 2023 13:26:48 +0000 As the father of daughters I favor their freedom to get an abortion. But in fairness, pro-lifers do not want to “take away scientific rigor the FDA has offered for decades.” What they want to take away some would say is the right to kill people who are alive but have not yet been born.

If viability were the test, then living babies would be allowed to keep living even if not yet born. But an egg is not a chicken nor a person. Could anyone seriously charge a couple with murder if they allow female eggs not to be implanted but to die?

With a viability test, perhaps reluctant compromise could be possible.

Or perhaps I’ve gotten too used to communicating for whichever side is paying. We shouldn’t do that, right?
