Comments on: Making data part of your comms strategy, from OKCupid’s Michael Kaye PR Daily - News for PR professionals Sat, 08 Oct 2022 14:26:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ronald N Levy Sat, 08 Oct 2022 14:26:33 +0000 Cupid isn’t stupid. This excellent wisdom from a top OK Cupid communicator: appeal not only to what people love but find ways to use data—numbers—to give your message added persuasiveness.

A key word used by Michael Kaye: STRATEGY. PR success rides not just on how skillfully we execute but also on how wisely we decide what to shoot for. His focus on “top-of-the-mind issues” can sharply increase bottom-line success.

It’s appropriate to have a “Future of Communications” conference during a great city’s mating season (which it usually is in New York). What will happen in the future rides on what we do now, and these brainy presenters offer insights that may bring PR success soon and substantially.

Don’t miss the Statue of Liberty. It symbolizes what most Americans want urgently and what great PR communications show successfully how to get.
